Indiana Man Survives Tire Slamming Into Windshield

The tire slammed into the windshield of Andrew Bruce's Subaru Impreza, shattering the passenger window and crushing the roof.

An Indiana man is lucky to be alive after a tire from a semi-trailer slammed into his windshield on the Borman Expressway.

Andrew Bruce, of Hobart, was driving west around 6:15 p.m. Friday morning when he saw an object flash ahead of him.

"I wondered what it was and the next moment there was a truck tire bouncing on the pavement in front of me," Andrew said.

The tire slammed into the windshield of his Subaru Impreza, shattering the passenger window and crushing the roof. His wife Dawn was just three cars behind him on the expressway.

"All of a sudden, I see a huge spark, almost like a huge sparkler that went off, then I saw a chunk of the tire," Dawn said.

Dawn swerved to avoid the tire that hit her husband head on.

"I was just in shock. It was amazing," Dawn said.

Andrew wasn't injured except for a scratch on his hand, but he was showered in glass.

"Later in the day, I scratched the top of my head and had a piece off glass and I went back to the garbage can and brushed my hair and more glass was continuing to come out," Andrew said.

Andrew says he's not angry, but he and his wife think the crash could have been avoided.

"How much time would it have taken to check your lug nuts? And extra 20 to 30 minutes with the 16-wheeler?" Andrew said.

"Just to take those few extra minutes to make sure your truck is secure can save a life," Dawn said.

The truck involved in the crash did not stop, and Bruce says it's possible the driver didn't even know what had happened. It is not clear whether the truck driver could be cited.

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