Lawmakers Amend Law on School Shooter Drills After Teachers Hurt by Projectiles

Several teachers suffered welts and bruises after they were struck by fired projectiles

 A state Senate panel has amended a school safety bill after teachers were shot with plastic pellets during active-shooter training at an elementary school in northern Indiana.

The amendment would bar the firing of projectiles at teachers, school employees or students during any drill or training.

The Indiana State Teachers Association requested the amendment following the training exercise in January at Meadowlawn Elementary School in Monticello.

Instructors fired on the teachers, saying it demonstrated what would happen if they weren't proactive in responding to an active shooter. Educators were left with welts, bruises and abrasions.

Lawmakers say the exercise went too far.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the Senate education committee amended the bill Wednesday and it now proceeds to the Senate appropriations committee.

Copyright The Associated Press
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