City Grudge Match: IG vs. HR

Game on inside Daley administration

The mayor's inspector general says that the mayor's human resources commissioner should be fired.

The mayor's human resources commissioner says the mayor's inspector general is "reckless."

The mayor says he hasn't read his inspector general's report about why he should fire his human resources commissioner.

Because why, if you were mayor, would you want to know why your inspector general - a former federal prosecutor - thinks your human resources commissioner should be fired?

After all, this is Daleyland.

The latest contretemps started on Friday when inspector general David Hoffman issued a report urging the firing of human resources commissioner Homero Tristan.

"[Tristan] was accused by internal city investigators of trying to cover himself when investigators asked why he failed to report an alderman trying to exert clout for a city worker from his ward," the Tribune reported. "Since Tristan's appointment by Daley a year ago, his department has been repeatedly criticized by city watchdogs and a federal court monitor for failing to follow basic rules to keep city hiring free of politics."

On Monday, Tristan denied the charge and called Hoffman "reckless" in a letter he sent to Daley and a federal judge overseeing a city hiring case," the Tribune reports.

"The report is a baseless assault on my character and integrity as well as the honesty and professionalism of the Department of Human Resources," Tristan wrote, according to the Tribune, which obtained the letter.

Daley has refused to comment because, you know, who cares what he thinks about the whole thing?

But on Saturday Daley did call Tristan "a family man," which, as the Sun-Times notes today, is usually how he describes anyone in his administration caught red-handed.

"To be clear, no one's saying these guys don't love their families," the Sun-Times says.

"Families have nothing to do with it - unless you count the families of the hard-working men and women passed over for city jobs or promotions because they had no clout."

Steve Rhodes is the proprietor of The Beachwood Reporter, a Chicago-centric news and culture review.

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