A jury trial for a $1.8 million breach-of-conduct case against former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been set for February 2021.
The 2016 lawsuit was filed by a man alleging he was sexually abused as a teen by Hastert and later promised $3.5 million to stay quiet. The man, referred to as James Doe, claims he's owed more than half of the money promised. Hastert countersued, alleging Doe violated their confidentiality agreement.
The deal's discovery led to Hastert serving one year in prison after pleading guilty to breaking banking laws.
Jury selection was scheduled for Feb. 17, 2021 with the trial expected the following week, according to the Daily Chronicle. Neither Hastert nor Doe appeared for Friday's hearing.
The trial has been delayed due to coronavirus concerns.
The lawsuit was filed in Yorkville, where Hastert taught and coached wrestling.
The roughly $1.5 million Hastert paid led to a 2014 criminal investigation. His methods for structuring cash withdrawals tipped off the FBI, prompting the probe and making his abuse of Doe and others public.
During the proceedings, Hastert acknowledged “mistreatment” of student athletes. But in a 2018 deposition he called what happened with Doe a misunderstanding, saying he was helping with a groin injury.