Graves Moved for Contentious O'Hare Runway

Controversial "cemetery runway" should be completed by 2013

O'Hare expansion officials said construction on a new runway blocked by a cemetery should be completed by the end of 2013.

By the end of this week, officials estimated, 900 of the 1,200 graves in St. Johannes Cemetery will have been moved, the Chicago Tribune reported. 

The controversial plan to build a runway over the 161-year-old cemetery proved to be a major point of contention in the planned O'Hare expansion.

Earlier this year, the city won a long legal battle to disinter the bodies in the cemetery and move them to other locations.

But officials working to move the remaining 300 bodies must first identify surviving family members or get them to cooperate in the process.

Even so, officials working on relocation are confident they'll complete the process by next summer, the Tribune reported.

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