A north suburban high school will increase its security during this weekend’s homecoming dance after a threat of a school shooting, the Pioneer Press reports.
Two students found the threat Thursday afternoon at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, the newspaper reports. The principal of the school said in an email to parents and students a message was seen on the back of the desk that said “there will be a school shooting on Sept 25th 2018.”
Police said students will be screened and their belongings will be checked at all of the schools entrances if the investigation continues into next week, the Pioneer Press reports.
There will also be extra security at campus events during the homecoming celebration.
It was unclear if any security cameras in the area would have captured images of whomever wrote the threatening message.
Anyone with information on the threat is encouraged to call the school at (847) 729-2000 ext. 4849. Anonymous tips can also be sent to school officials online.