Changes are underway at the Comptroller’s Office as Susana Mendoza begins her fourth month in office.
On Wednesday five employees—held over from Leslie Munger’s administration—were fired and escorted out by police. A source with knowledge of the incident says one of the employees “made a scene.” A spokesman for the comptroller denies that happened. A police escort is not unusual when someone is fired, according to the comptroller’s spokesman.
In all, 13 former Munger employees have been fired by Mendoza in recent weeks. Their positions are described as jobs that are policy level, exempt ranks that are often at risk when there’s a change of administration. They are not union employees. Mendoza was sworn in Dec. 5.
At the same time, the Rauner administration has hired 23 staffers who once worked for Munger’s office. The governor’s office says no new positions were created but were able to be rehired because of high turnover in state government.