Disabled Man Left at Illinois Truck Stop

State investigating nursing home after workers left the man at Denny's at a truck stop

Police in southwestern Illinois are asking the state to investigate a Lebanon nursing home after workers left a disabled man at a truck stop.

The wheelchair-bound 56-year-old was deposited at the Denny's restaurant at a Flying J truck stop in Alorton 20 miles away from Lebanon Care Center after authorities say he refused to undergo a criminal background check.

Nursing homes are required to perform background checks on patients.

Alorton Deputy Police Chief Gerald Crenshaw says the man had no medication or ID.

A spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Public Health says the matter's being investigated, but says there's nothing illegal about what the nursing home did.

A nursing home executive says the man was asked to be taken to the Denny's.

Copyright The Associated Press
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