A loud “boom” and the sound of glass shattering shook Lovell and Debra Kennedy out of bed at one-thirty in the morning in early February.
“I’m glad one of us didn’t have a heart attack,” Lovell said. “I thought the tree outside had fallen through the picture window.”
But instead of finding tree branches scattered across the living room, the Kennedys found their 55 inch flat-screen television on the floor and their glass-top TV stand in pieces.
“The stand that the TV was sitting on had disintegrated,” Lovell said.
The Riverdale couple said they picked up glass pieces for days. They said they still don’t know what caused their TV stand to break and ruin their TV.
However, they are relieved that their grandchildren were not in the room at the time.
“If one of them had been standing in front of that stand when that TV fell we might be talking about something all-together different here,” Lovell said.
Twin-Star International, which manufacturers the Bell’O model stand, said its safety tempered glass products are “produced in accordance with accepted industry standards.”
But the manufacturer also said tempered glass can break without obvious cause.
Lovell contacted Twin-Star after the furniture broke regarding a refund for the stand and the cost of the television. He documented all of his conversations with the manufacturer. He also agreed to sign a form in consideration of a $1,149.98 refund that would release Twin-Star from actions, claims and damages.
Lovell said on several occasions the company told him the check would be sent within two to three business weeks. But after waiting for more than a month, Lovell said he had yet to receive a check.
That’s when the Kennedys contacted NBC 5 Responds.
The Consumer Investigative Center reached-out to Twin-Star and advised the company of the couple’s concerns.
Twin-Star responded by sending a $1,149.98 refund check overnight to Lovell.
“We have replaced the unit and compensated the customer as customer satisfaction and safety is our priority,” wrote a Twin-Star spokesperson.
Lovell and Debra said they used the refund money to purchase a new television.
“We are satisfied, we are happy again,” Lovell said.
Lovell said he also used his trade skills by installing a wood top on the damaged TV stand.
“I don’t have to worry about that wood cracking,” Lovell said.
There have been other reports of tempered glass products shattering without warning. Those products include shower doors, oven doors and sinks.
Consumers who experience similar issues with their tempered glass products are urged to contact the manufacturer and also file a complaint with the Consumer Product Safety Commission.