A stand-up comedian from a Chicago suburb took to social media Tuesday to express his displeasure with the GOP after the party used a GIF of him to bring attention to its Snapchat account.
Louis Virtel gained internet fame after appearing on the game show "Jeopardy" in May and snapping after winning a $5,000 Daily Double, which can be seen above. The GIF of the snap has been widely shared on Reddit and Tumblr.
However, the Lemont native wasn't too happy to see the GIF being used by the GOP to announce their #SNAPoftheUnion. "House Republicans will give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at President Obama’s final State of the Union address. How? Via Snapchat, of course," the party wrote underneath the image.
Virtel told NBC Chicago he was informed about the GIF on Twitter and "it took about a second before I rolled my eyes and just sighed at the gall it takes to be an antigay party that uses 'sassy' gay imagery for petty amusement."
Virtel took to social media to express his displeasure.
Virtel, an editor for entertainment news outlet Hitfix, wrote an extended response on the site. In it, he says "it is borderline traumatizing to see my image associated with their horrifying, regressive shambles of a party."