Clear the Shelters

Clear the Shelters: The Importance of the Human-Animal Bond

Labrador retrievers remain the nation’s most popular purebreds for a record-extending 29th year, according to American Kennel Club rankings being released Friday.
Getty Images/ Sally Anscombe

Many animals can go years sitting in shelters waiting to be adopted. Hudson, one of Animal Care League’s adoptable pets, spent nearly two years in the shelter before being adopted.

Hudson is a bigger dog that lacked some training when he was passed over to the shelter, they wrote in an email.

The shelter found someone willing to put in the extra time with Hudson and finalized the adoption on Aug. 7. 

A chance is sometimes all some pets need. 

“We've had a couple of really wonderful adoptions recently that highlight the importance and specialness of the human-animal bond,” wrote Quinn Lentz of Animal Care League. 

 Unfortunately, some animals have not been as lucky as Hudson. 

In the upcoming Clear the Shelters event, many of the long-term pets at Animal Care League will have their adoption fees waived. 

One dog was rescued from a shelter in Puerto Rico where she sat for months with no medical care after being hit by a car, the shelter said. 

The Puerto Rican shelter had very limited resources and connected with them to get the medical care she needed. 

Each animal has its own story and many of them are still looking for their forever homes.

Anyone ready and looking to adopt can help animals connect with its human through the month-long virtual Clear the Shelter event beginning Aug. 23. 

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