City Workers Credited With Foiling Kidnapping

Man charged with trying to abduct 10-year-old boy

A couple of workers with the Department of Streets and Sanitation are being credited with helping save a boy from a possible abduction in Englewood.

Alfreda Clark and Mary Baggett were working in the 7100 block of Sangamon Avenue when they noticed a 10-year-old by frantically running in between abandoned buildings. They drove over to the boy to make sure everything was OK.

"I looked at the little boy and he had fear all over his face, so I said, 'Are you alright?,' and he didn't say nothing at first. Then I asked again, 'Are you alright?,' and he said, 'He's chasing me.' I said, 'He's chasing you?" He said, 'He's chasing me,' and that's when I saw the guy come out of the ally and I told the little boy to get in the car," Clark said.

The boy said he was on his way to Hinton Elementary School when a man came up behind him and tried to grab him.

The two city workers called police and because of their quick response, officers were able to capture the suspect.

George Graves, 57, has been charged with attempted kidnapping.

Police credit the two workers for thinking on their feet.

"I'm proud to say I could save a child's life," Baggett said.

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