Dan and Heather from Park Ridge are not going to vote for Kirk Dillard for governor.
Earlier this week, Ward Room explained that a social conservative can’t win a statewide race in Illinois. We pointed out that all three Republicans who’ve won this century -- Judy Baar Topinka, Mark Kirk and Dan Rutherford -- have been moderate on social issues.
Kirk Dillard is clamping his hands over his ears and shouting, “La la la la.” Here are his responses to the “Social Policy” section of a Legislative Candidate Questionnaire from the Illinois Review, a conservative website:
Do you support/oppose the expanded use of eminent domain for economic development? OPPOSE
Chicago Politics
Do you support/oppose the ban on smoking on private property? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose conceal carry? SUPPORT (Note: “With…background check.”)
Do you support/oppose sanctuary cities and counties in Illinois? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose the use of capital punishment in Illinois? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose the enforcement of traffic laws by means of red light or speed cameras? OPPOSE (Note: “Sponsor of right turn on red light ticket ban.”)
Do you support/oppose the expansion of gaming in Illinois? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose requiring abortion clinics to be licensed under the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act? SUPPORT
Do you support/oppose the Freedom of Choice Act, which would eliminate all restrictions on abortion in Illinois? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman? SUPPORT (Note: “Sponsor of it.”)
Do you support/oppose mandatory mental health screening of pregnant/new mothers and/or children by state agencies or medical practitioners? OPPOSE
Do you support/oppose the repeal of the civil unions law? SUPPORT (Note: “It is a litigious nightmare!”)
Dillard is still fighting battles that were decided years ago. He not only calls civil unions “a litigious nightmare,” he wants a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. His views on abortion are especially perplexing because the core of his political brand is his service as chief of staff to Gov. Jim Edgar, a Republican who supported abortion rights (and won four statewide elections).
It could be that he’s determined not to get out-Tea Partied again by Bill Brady, who beat him by 193 votes for the 2010 Republican gubernatorial nomination. Edward McClelland prediction: next year, Brady will again defeat Dillard by 193 votes -- for third place in the Republican primary.