Chicago's fundraising effort to help earthquake-stricken Haiti brought in nearly $3 million.
$2,962,391 to be exact.
The phone bank opened at a 5 a.m. Thursay and within seven hours, Chicagoans had opened up their wallets to the tune of $1.5 million.
Roughly 1,500 phone bank volunteers answered more than 18,000 calls.
The average size of the gift received by individuals was $62.00 and more than $400,000 was raised through online donations made to This web site can still accept donations. Several large corporate donations were also announced yesterday and are included in the total raised. They include:
Hewitt - $50,000
CDW- $100,000
McCormick - $500,000
Motorola - $375,000
Wrigley - $125,000
Komatsu - $100,000
Grainger - $50,000
ITW - $100,000
Walgreens - $150,000
Alberto-Culver - $25,000
USG - $10,000
Broadcasting outlets from around the city put aside their competitive spirit for the telethon, working with the American Red Cross and Hewitt Associates in Lincolnshire for the all-day event.
Nearly every local television and radio station promoted the effort on their air.
More Ways to Help
- Action Against Hunger - International agency has hundreds of staffers in Haiti. Already working to distribute food and safe drinking water, build latrines and provide hygiene kits. Click or call (877) 777-1420.
- American Red Cross - Has already pledged $1 million toward relief effort. Donors can send a $10 donation by texting "Haiti" to 90999.
- American Jewish World Service - Has launched a relief fund to support a network of charities. Log on to donate as little as $36. Click or call (212) 792-2900.
- AmeriCares - Has pledged $5 million worth of aid to Haiti, and is working with partners on the island to deliver food and medical supplies. Click or call (800) 486-4357.
- Beyond Borders - Has established an Earthquake Emergency Response Fund to take donations earmarked for the most urgent needs, including food and medicine. Click or call (866) 424-8403
- CARE - Has deployed emergency teams to Port-au-Prince and will soon start distributing high protein biscuits from its warehouses in Haiti. Click or call (800) 521-2273
- Catholic Relief Services - Has committed $5 million of its funds for emergency supplies. Already has food and relief supplies on the island, and is distributing plastic shheeting, mosquito netting, and water purification tablets. Click or call (800) 736-3467
- Childcare Worldwide - Has staff inplace to distribute food, clothing, blankets and medical supplies. Click or call (800) 553-2328.
- Direct Relief International - Has shipped two containers of medical supplies and plans a $2 million aid packagePlans to airlift via FedEx this week. Click or call (805) 964-4767.
- Doctors Without Borders - Has already treated more than 1,000 victims in four tent facilities. Is working to treat severely injured people in need of surgery. Click or call (888) 392-0392.
- Feed My Starving Children - Plans to distribute high-protein meal packs to children and adults. Click or call (763) 504-2919.
- Habitat for Humanity - Working to provide temporary shelter for poor families affected by quake. Click or call (800) 422-4828.
- Haitian Health Foundation - Anticipating total depletion of their resources and taking donations and money and hoping to address anticipated flood of refugees leaving Port-au-Prince. Click or call (860) 886-4357.
- Hope for Haiti - Stands ready to send doctors, nurses, medical supplies and equipment. Click or call (239) 434-7183.
- International Medical Corps - Has representatives at Port-au-Prince's main hospital, providing medical care. Click or call (800) 481-4462.
- Medical Teams International - Initial response includes sending a six-person team with enough medicine and othopedic supplies to help 12,000 people for a week. Click or call (800) 959-4325.
- Operation USA - L.A.-based organization sending medical supplies and appealing for pledges and corporate donations of health care supplies, water purification tablets and food supplements. Click or call (800) 678-7255.
- Oxfam - Has 200 staff members in Haiti, including a 15-memmber emergency response team. Click or call (800)776-9326.
- UNICEF - Venerable agency focuses on the youngest victims, pledging that every dollar will go to aid. Click or call (800) 367-5437.
- World Concern - Soliciting cash as it helps in the rescue effort and provides drinking water, food and blankets. Click or call (800)755-5022.
- World Hope International - Waiting to move in after first responders to help battle malnutrition, exposure, disease and lack of drinking water. Click or call (888)466-4673.
The U.S. State Department Operations Center said Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti should call 1-888-407-4747. Due to heavy volume, some callers may receive a recording.
"Our embassy is still in the early stages of contacting American citizens through our Warden Network," the U.S. State Department said in a statement. "Communications are very difficult within Haiti at this time."