The life of an entrepreneur is go, go, go!
It’s safe to say that technology (and bottomless trips for coffee) fuels this past-paced, non-stop world keeping us connected to work, email, social networks, blogs, breaking news and much more at all times.
But when deeply invested in the digital world, it’s easy to become disconnected with the tangible world. Fortunately, there are apps to help keep you grounded (It’s contradictory, I know, but here me out!).
Here are my top four:
ConnectSense, perfect for the paranoid techie, uses sensor-based technology and the cloud to alert you of any sudden and potentially threatening changes in your home or business environment. Powerful WiFi sensors monitor motion, temperature, moisture, security and more. In the event of an emergency, disturbance or even an open garage door, the cloud-based application sends you a notification via phone, text message, email or even Twitter (think of it as a practical and sophisticated version of Ryan’s “WUPFH” app in The Office). When you can’t be there in person or you’re a little distracted, ConnectSense serves as your second set of eyes.
SimplyNoise provides peace of mind for big-picture concerns, but is also great for managing day-to-day stresses and distractions. SimplyNoise provides calming white noise on the go, via app or their website, perfect for blocking out distractions during your daily commute or at the noisy office.
3. Headspace is another great app that offers guided meditation sessions to bring clarity, mindfulness and zen into a hectic digital world. Coined as a “gym membership for the mind,” Headspace’s 10-minute sessions are rooted in scientific research to provide maximum benefit.
4. Not to beat a dead horse, but entrepreneurs are busy. We established that. Sometimes we do ourselves a disservice and think we’re too busy to even relax. The app Calm is another meditation app, but it takes only two minutes, so any old excuses to unwind are now null and void! This app features a soothing female voice who guides a brief meditation session to the sound of ocean waves.
What apps help keep you grounded? Please share!
Adam Fridman is the founder of MeetAdvisors. Coined as "Yelp for entrepreneurs" by Forbes, MeetAdvisors is a social network for entrepreneurs that allows for professionals to give free advice to those seeking help with their business ventures. Most recently, Fridman founded Mabbly, a Chicago digital marketing agency. Armed with a Master of Science in Finance and experience in corporate finance e and investment banking, Adam spent the past 10 years focusing on business development and strategy.