More than a dozen drivers were forced to pull over on Thursday night after they say their cars were damaged during road construction in the 1000 block of South Clark Street.
“It’s like a war zone, if you will,” South Loop resident Anthony Bass said.
Fellow motorists would be hard-pressed to refute that description after numerous cars suffered damage as a result of exposed sewer covers.
The Chicago Department of Transportation says that the area is undergoing infrastructure repairs, which led to a long stretch of Clark being repaved. That process has taken time, and the city says the project is expected to be completed by the end of November.
Motorists reported that their cars suffered flat tires and cracked rims, among other damage, and some cars even had to be towed from the street.
Part of the street has been paved, but manhole covers remain raised even on parts of the road that have been smoothed out.
With numerous cars driving along the street with their hazard lights on, many motorists were wondering why the street was allowing traffic under those conditions.
Others say the city should help drivers who now have to pay for not only repairs, but in some cases for the towed vehicles due to problems with road construction.
“That's not only a problem on Clark. (It’s) a city wide problem,” driver Scotesa Aliyerema said. “They need to properly inform people.”