Have you ever gone out in the country and suddently been struck by how quiet it is? And you realize that what you thought was quiet was really the humming of air conditioners, the buzzing of power lines and the sounds of traffic?
In other words: It's really hard to enjoy the restful peace of silence if you're in the city.
That's why I like what Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) wants to do downtown and on the Near North Side by making street musicians turn down the volume.
With the influx of residential units near the Loop now, street performer noise is a much more common condo association complaint.
Pickpockets and snatch-and-grab criminals are reportedly working with, or at least using, street performers as a distraction to prey on people.
Ald. Reilly's ordinance would allow street musicians to produce sound no louder than an average conversational level within 100 feet in any direction. Two violations within a year and licenses would be revoked.
What do you think about that?