![[UGCCHI-CJ-chicago beaches]Blue Angel](https://media.nbcchicago.com/2019/09/13bf5245a0b3453688be345ca7d07131.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&resize=320%2C180)
The Blue Angels are headed to Chicago this week continuing a nationwide tribute to honor health care workers and first responders on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis.
The squadron sent out a tweet on Sunday previewing their upcoming schedule including a flyover of Chicago on Tuesday with routes and times expected to be announced Monday.
“Detroit, Chicago and Indianapolis your Blue Angels are heading your way this Tuesday!” they tweeted. “Check back tomorrow for routes and overhead times. Stay home and stay safe!”
The Navy pilots have been part of a series of an ongoing salute in the skies across the country and have already toured several major U.S. cities including New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Jacksonville and Miami.