They're bad boys. Literally.
Bail has been set for the two teenagers accused of murdering Milton and Ruby McClendon.
Reo Jonta Thompson, 17, of the 900 block of Morris Street in Hammond, and Gregory Brooks Jr., 18, of the 800 block of East Highland Street in Hammond, are being held on $250,000 bond. They are facing robbery, burglary and confinement charges.
Neither teen has been charged with muder, yet. The robbery and burglary counts are punishable by up to 50 years in prison.
They will stand trial in Hammond, Indiana.
One of the teens was caught on surveillance cameras selling $70 worth of Ruby McClendon's jewelry to a pawn broker.
According to court documents obtained by the Post-Tribune, three teens – one who has not been charged – pretended to have car trouble in order to gain access to the McClendon’s home.
They brandished weapons at the front door and forced their way into the McClendon’s home with the intention to rob it, the court affidavit says.
They weren’t satisfied by the $50 in cash Mrs. McClendon had on her person, so they forced Mr. McClendon to crawl upstairs to a bedroom where they hit him with a vase and kicked him before taking jewelry, according to the court document.
Afterward they forced the couple into a downstairs bathroom where they bound and gagged them. They then ransacked the home, came back to the bathrooms and killed the couple, the documents state.
Milton was shot in the head and Ruby was shot multiple times. Neither had identification when they were discovered in a Calumet City forest preserve.