More than 1,100 flights in and out of Chicago's two aiports were canceled Tuesday as the area's biggest storm of the season pummeled northeastern Illinois.
At O’Hare International, airlines canceled about 900 flights, according to the Department of Aviation. Midway International had another approximately 240 flights canceled, including all Southwest Airlines flights after 10 a.m. The airline expects to resume flight operations about 6 p.m. Tuesday.
Passengers traveling Tuesday and Wednesday were urged to visit their airline’s website for flight status. Those whose flights are scheduled to depart either day from Chicago should arrive at least two hours before departure.
Those who choose to take to the roadways should be extra cautious, experts warned.
The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation Snow Command deployed its full feet of 284 plows onto main city routes and Lake Shore Drive. The Illinois Tollway activated its full fleet of 182 snowplows as well.
"We were able to pre-treat a lot of our bridges and hills within the Chicago area," Streets and San Commissioner Charles Williams said. "We've been in regular communication with Mayor Emanuel, and it's his priority to make our roadways as safe and passable for residents as efficiently as possible."
Williams said city plows likely would remain on main roads until late Tuesday before moving to side streets.
"We have our full winter storm program ready," CTA spokesman Brian Steele said. "It includes both the snow plow trains and all of our trains are equipped with sleet scrapers which help keep the third rail clean."
Steele said the storm won't delay the Wells Street construction project.
Dozens of school and business closures were announced due to the storm.