construction site

Elderly Highland Park Couple Displaced By Construction Project

A massive underground parking garage is going up right next to the Mordins's home in Highland Park just a few feet away. But for the past few weeks they have not been able to live here because of problems caused this construction project.

The couple have lived in the quaint brick home on Laurel Avenue for 40 years. It’s their sanctuary.

But a few weeks ago their sanctuary suddenly became unsafe.

"For us its been like a nightmare," James Mordini said. "It looked like an earthquake hit us."

Walking around their home now can be dangerous for the couple in their 70s.

The sidewalk is crumbling, the ground shifted, part of their home’s foundation is now exposed.

Back in October, part of that garage’s foundation wall collapsed during heavy rains. That caused all the problems around the Mordini residence. The family also says structural supports were removed too soon.

Three weeks ago Highland Park deemed the home uninhabitable. The retired couple and their renter were told to leave.

"Me and wife cannot have a good night sleep," Mordini said.

Highland Park officials were on site Monday. They say they're doing everything possible to get the couple back into their home.

"We are working diligently to try to get this resolved as soon as possible," said Highland Park City Manager Ghida Neukirch.

Fulton Developers, the company building the parking garage sent NBC 5 a statement, that in part says: "We are concerned about this situation and want the Mordini’s to be able to moved back into their home."

It also says an engineering report found the wall between the construction site and the Mordinis's property is in stable condition and that the company is willing to pay for a geotechnical engineer to access the property.

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