Eat to Live: Lunch

Kids eat half their daily calories at school, so lunches matter. (National School Lunch Program).

In fact, the government has stepped in with dozens of suggestions about how to make kids meals better for them. (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010)
Chicago schools are at the head of the class.
When kids go back to school this fall, CPS will be the first major school district in the country to exceed the highest national guidelines.
Dr. Brad Saks with the North Shore Center for Weight Management says that amongst the most important parts of eating well is planning ahead.
In the morning, it's helpful to know what you plan to eat throughout the day from meals to snacks.
Better yet, to reduce the stress, he suggests that you have it planned the night before. The last thing you want to do is try to figure out what to eat at five p.m. when you're hungry and tired.
More and more Americans like to eat out and if that's on the schedule, then it's important to be smart about how you order. (American Heart Association).
Eating out is at least half of our food budget.
CDC’s website has guidelines for physical exercise as well as screen time.

Eat to Live: Dinner

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