Several Illinois healthcare regions are continuing to see declines in positivity rates and hospitalizations, with several currently in line to see Tier 3 mitigations rolled back in the fight against the coronavirus.
Here is where each of Illinois’ healthcare regions stands in terms of metrics as of Dec. 27.
Region 1 (Northwest Illinois):
This region has seen hospitalizations decline on eight of the last 10 days. The region has had an availability of 20% or more of hospital and ICU beds for 11 straight days, and the region’s positivity rate stands at 8.7%. All of those metrics are within the parameters of reversing Tier 3 mitigations, but it is unclear when the state will give the region the go-ahead to do so.
Region 2 (West-Central Illinois):
The positivity rate in this region continued a slow decline this week, dropping to 8.8%, while more than 29% of hospital beds are available. The ICU bed availability now stands at 22.7%, and will be over 20% for a third straight day Monday. The region has also seen hospitalizations decrease each of the last 10 days.
Region 3 (West Illinois):
This region has one of the lowest positivity rates in the state, standing at 6.9%. Hospital bed availability stands at 29.5%, while the ICU bed availability is still below the 20% threshold, standing at 17.1%. Hospitalizations have decreased six of the last 10 days, but have ticked upward in recent days.
Region 4 (Southwest Illinois):
This region is seeing its positivity rate starting to rise, as it’s now at 12% on the button. Hospital bed (21.4%) and ICU bed availability (21.5%) both finally cleared the 20% threshold this week, and the region has seen nine days of hospitalization decreases in the last 10 days.
Region 5 (South Illinois):
The positivity rate in the region is now at 12.2% and has remained mostly steady over the last 10 days. ICU bed availability is still low, currently at 16.5%, and hospital bed availability is now up to 40.5%, more than double the required threshold to move forward from Tier 3 mitigations.
Region 6 (East Central Illinois):
The positivity rate in this region stands at 8.6%, while hospital bed availability (30.6%) and ICU bed availability (35.6%) are well above thresholds required to move forward from Tier 3 mitigations. The region has also continued to see steady declines in hospitalizations overall.
Region 7 (Will, Kankakee counties):
The positivity rate in this region continued to decline this week, dropping to 10.3%, while the hospital bed availability (29.6%) and ICU bed availability (26.5%) both continued to rise. Hospitalizations overall have declined each of the last 10 days.
Region 8 (DuPage, Kane counties):
This region has seen its hospital bed availability (24.7%) and ICU bed availability (27.9%) increase in recent days, while hospitalizations have decreased eight of the last 10 days. The region’s positivity rate is down to 9%.
Region 9 (McHenry, Lake counties):
Hospital bed availability in the region has finally cracked the 20% threshold, now sitting at 21.1%. ICU bed availability is at 32.1%, and hospitalizations have decreased each of the last five days. The region’s positivity rate is at 8.8%.
Region 10 (Suburban Cook County):
The region’s positivity rate stands at 9.3%, while hospitalizations have decreased each of the last 10 days. ICU bed availability is starting to climb, now at 19.7%, while hospital bed availability is now up to 26.6%.
Region 11 (Chicago):
With 10 days of hospitalization decreases, a positivity rate of 8.6%, hospital bed availability of 23.9% and ICU bed availability of 26.6%, Chicago would be eligible to move forward from Tier 3 mitigations on Monday if the city utilized state metrics.