The hit PBS series "Spain...On the Road Again," featuring Gwyneth Paltrow, celebrity chef Mario Batali, New York Times food writer Mark Bittman and Spanish actress Claudia Bassols, who basically travel around the country and eat and drink everything in sight, has inspired us to want to jump on a plane and do the exact same thing. Feasible? Probably not (we don't quite have the same connections as this impossibly A-list cast). But, we can eat our way through Spain, region by region, just by visiting Carnivale as the River West Latin restaurant continues its culinary tour of Spain.
Through February, Carnivale takes one week a month to highlight the cuisine and culture of various regions of this particularly food-obsessed European country. From Dec. 15-21, menus featuring items from Catalunya and Valencia, areas famous for paella and fideos (pasta dishes), will be showcased.
These regions on Spain's sun-drenched coast yield seafood dishes (Carnivale is serving a market-fresh fish with roasted potatoes, leeks, white beans and romesco sauce, $28) and hearty paellas (such as the restaurant's rabbit version with chorizo, wild mushrooms and bomba rice, $28). Catalunya's famous fideos are represented with a pasta and chorizo combination served in a ham broth ($8), while Valencia's mouth-watering oranges are used in a flan dessert with clove sorbet ($5).
Look for Carnivale's further adventures through Spain, which include Madrid and Castilla de la Mancha in January (Jan. 12-18) and Extremadura and Andalucia in February (Feb. 16-22). Viva la Espana!