Rock for Kids was started by local musicians and others in the industry as a fundraiser to buy holiday gifts for homeless children. This idea appropriately evolved into Youth Jams, an after-school education program which brings free music instruction to underprivileged and homeless children. After-school programs in general are great for keeping kids off the streets and out of trouble and giving them somewhere good to direct their energy. Programs offering a creative outlet like Youth Jams also help them gain confidence and self-esteem, and might even pique their interest in music and set them on a path they might not otherwise ever get to see. Better yet, this program offers the opportunity to learn about current music that's a little more modern than what they're probably exposed to in school. I know if I was a kid, I'd be way more interested in learning how to play guitar or drums like my favorite band than playing "mary had a little lamb" on a recorder.
This Friday, Rock For Kids holds it's Twentieth Annual Rock & Roll Charity Auction at Park West (322 W. Armitage). The auction includes signed items from Wilco, Janis Joplin, Carlos Santana, B.B. King, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dolly Parton, Bruce Springsteen, and more. The Auction begins at 7pm. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. The VIP bash begins at 6pm and you can buy tickets for that and the auction for $75. You can also bid online up until Friday.