Sheffield's Beer School Bar is treating Chicago brew lovers to two upcoming events that will toast some of Michigan's favorite breweries. Up first is "Dark Night With Dark Horse," a tasting party featuring stouts from Dark Horse Brewery, at 7PM on Wednesday, March 25. The brewery, which hails from Marshall, MI, makes six specialty stouts -- Black Bier, One Oatmeal Stout Ale, Too Cream Stout, Tres Blueberry Stout, Fore Smoked Stout and Plead the Fifth Imperial Stout -- which will all be available in $3 pilsner-size portions for sampling. Sheffield's will also offer passed appetizers and will play Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" as a fitting soundtrack to the festivities.
Summer arrives early on Monday, March 30, as Sheffield's Beer School Bar taps Chicago's first keg of Bell's Oberon Summer Ale at 7PM sharp. The Bell's Oberon Summer Ale Release Party will celebrate the anticipated warm-weather brew made by the Kalamazoo, MI brewery. The event will feature live acoustic music by Luke Schmidt of local bands Buddy Nuisance and American Taxi, as well as raffles of Cubs tickets, T-shirts and special tours of Bell's Brewery.