Find your center every Tuesday afternoon as River West's Allyu Spa hosts a Community Acupuncture workshop. Based on the Chinese tradition of offering acupuncture in a group setting, the open-to-the-public sessions are meant to bring about regular healing and balance to the body as a part of your everyday lifestyle. The preventative and interventive treatment is known to adjust various imbalances and help numerous ailments in the body. (Who couldn't use some of that?)
Offered every week from 11:30AM to 1:30PM, you'll join like-minded individuals and an acupuncture practioner who will conduct the workshop. After a brief introduction, sterile, single-use needles are inserted into the proper ear and/or body points while you are encouraged to relax quietly in Allyu's tranquil setting for 30 to 45 minutes. Participants can arrive any time between 11:30AM and 1:15PM for this open workshop and will remain fully clothed throughout. Consider it a lunch-hour therapy session.
The Community Acupuncture workshops are priced at $25 for ears only and $35 for ears and body points. No reservations are required. Allyu Spa is located at 600 W. Chicago Ave. in the Riverwalk structure, 312-755-1313.