Recreate That Restaurant Coffee Experience at Home

Need Caffeine offers custom-blended coffees from Chicago-area restaurants

Ever tried to imitate your favorite restaurant dinner in your own kitchen, only to have your post-feast Folger's fall flat? Now you can drink the same brew at home as at some of your favorite dining destinations thanks to Need Caffeine, a Chicago-based online retail company offering up some of the best coffees and teas from around the world.

Many savvy Chicago restauranteurs have turned to the local Intelligentsia Coffee company to create customized brews to serve in their restaurants. The blending process begins with chefs and restaurant owners sampling several types of coffees with different flavor profiles to determine their likes and dislikes. The tasting continues until the perfect combination is selected, thus creating the restaurant's custom blend. Many local restaurants have their own customized coffee, including Shaw's Crab House, Wildfire and L. Woods.

Now, you can get your hot little hands on these personalized brews through Need Caffeine. Custom blends from Shaw's, Wildfire and L. Woods are each available in one-pound bags of ground beans for $12, plus a $5 flat shipping rate. (Psst: Enter the code CHICAGO to receive 10 percent off your order.)

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