It might sound cliche, but I am 100% convinced that I have the best mother in the world.My mother is a truly remarkable woman, and I can prove it.
Growing up, my childhood was magical, and the person behind that magic was always
my mom. In grade school, my lunch box was always unique and perfectly packed. I remember
all of my classmates being jealous as I pulled out a warm thermos of mac and cheese or a bento
box with my favorite rice balls tucked neatly inside. In middle school, my mom continued to go
above and beyond the normal duties of being a mother. One of my fondest memories of that time
was my 13th birthday party. My twin brother and I invited about a dozen friends each, and my
mom planned an elaborate scavenger hunt at the local mall. Not only did she go to the trouble of
visiting all the stores she intended to hide clues in, but she also hired two limos to drive our
group to the mall. Needless to say I felt like the luckiest 13-year-old in the world. In high school,
my mom attended almost all of my sporting events and band concerts, despite the fact that she
also worked. All of the other kids loved her because not only did she show up to cheer all of us
on, she always brought treats for the whole group - and not just store- bought treats. My mom
would stay up the night before an event to make chocolate cake, puppy chow, chocolate covered
strawberries, rice crispy treats, you name it. Clearly, my mom went out of her way to always
show me how much she loved me.
Aside from being a fantastic mother, my mom also set a great example for me by going
out of her way to show compassion to others through any means possible. She is always ready to
help strangers and I can think of countless examples of how she has shown her kindness to
others, even to those who didn’t deserve it. An important lesson she always emphasizes is that I
should be kind to others, no matter what, and she never fails to live by that rule. Not only is she
compassionate on an individual level, she is also very involved with volunteer and fundraising
efforts. For as long as I can remember my mom has been volunteering at church, despite her busy
schedule. She has also participated in numerous walks and runs that benefit specific causes.
Some of my proudest moments were watching my mom participate in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-
Day walks - she completed ten of them in total. I love watching my mom help other people,
because she absolutely glows. She has helped countless people and has impacted the community
in so many different ways, but never because she was looking for recognition. She lives to help
others. It is as simple as that.
Above all, the most admirable quality about my mom is her strength. Even before I was
born, my mom was facing some pretty considerable obstacles. Her life has never been easy. She
has faced financial difficulties, illness, and divorce, among many other things. She has had every
reason in the world to give up, to lose hope, to become bitter. And yet, she is entirely the
opposite. She may fall, but she has never been defeated. No matter what, my mom picks herself
up, brushes herself off, and keeps going, usually even faster and with more conviction than
before. Not once has she ever stopped to feel sorry for herself, and I mean that. Her strength is
contagious, and has helped me to overcome many of my own obstacles.
So this is why I believe that my mother deserves some pampering. Not only does she
deserve the relaxation, but she also deserves the recognition. She has always been my greatest
role model, and I believe that she is not only an example of what it means to be a great mother,
but also of what it means to be a kind and caring person in general. I am so proud of her, and she
is everything I want to be someday. Please help me show her how special she is!