Love Is in the Air – Or Not

Where to dump your date in Chicago

Valentine's Day is approaching, and restaurants, shops, and other businesses won't let us forget it. From pink decorations to specials for couples, love (and profit) is in the air.

But what if it isn't? What if you've come to realize that your not-so-loved one is the last person you want to spend Valentine's Day with?

The new Zagat dating guides for both Los Angeles and New York City offer suggestions not only for first dates, but also for last ones. If you want to celebrate the romantic holiday alone, the guide suggests the best place to break the news to your no-longer-significant other is in "comfortable, crowded restaurants where a scene would be less likely." You might also want to make sure there is plenty of public transit or cabs available, in case you need to get away from the situation quickly.

So what about Chicago? Where in the Windy City can you tell that special someone "Let's just be friends"?

Helen Rosner of MenuPages Blog offers a handful of suggestions, including the following:

The Publican – It's really loud, which will mask the shrieks of "You're WHAT?! To ME?!" Not to mention it's convenient to multiple El and bus lines.

Rainforest Cafe – Not only are the drinks cheap and potent, but all that stands between you and the Dan Ryan is a valet parking attendant and a 30-second stretch of Ohio Street. Bonus: If things go awry, you can hide amidst the animatronic wildlife.

Here are a couple of our own ideas:

Paddy O'Splaines – If you feel like you've already spent too much money on your soon-to-be ex, the Lincoln Square pub is perfect for those on a budget. The business offers free pool and Nintendo Wii on a giant projection screen. Maybe your guest will get the hint when you tell him/her that you'd rather play Wii tennis singles instead of doubles.

Holiday Club – The Uptown lounge will be hosting "Nerds at Heart Love Fest" on Thursday, Feb 12, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Your date will get so caught up in the board games and trivia quizzes that he/she won't even notice the emotional damage you just rolled them.

Matt Bartosik, former blogger of The Chicago Traveler and editor of Off the Rocks next issue, was nearly a Valentine's baby.

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