Tuesday, July 6
Funny or Die mocks pizza dabblers with a new product.
A Japanese ad shows the refreshing relief of taking Halls.
An old news report is flashback to the days of video games first hit the scene.
A 16-inch shell was a dud at a fireworks show until it hit the ground.
Iran issues a haircut guidelines for men.
The Plank Telescope is beaming back pictures of the entire universe.
Music icon, Prince, proclaims "The internet's completely over."
Reading speeds fall when people read using electronic devices compared to books.
Yourtribute.com allows you to upload your story from a special occasion along with pictures and videos.
Wednesday, July 7
The song "To The Beach" hopes to become a big hit.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer fails at "Celebrity Jeopardy."
"The Last Airbender" gets poor reviews from moviegoers.
A British pre-teen holds the world's record for most weight lifted by a 12-year-old.
A group of skaters ride a giant skateboard.
Check out a big cell phone from the past.
A landslide in Brazil wipes out homes on a hill.
Hundreds of thousands of NBA fans are following LeBron James on Twitter.
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams accidentally shows up to work when he's not on the schedule.
Someone on YouTube remixes the "Double Rainbow" song using autotune.
Thursday, July 8
It's raining sheds according to a commercial.
A DJ rocks out while playing music.
Pet owners are posting their awkward photos with their four-legged family members online.
A panda causes problems in a hospital room.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Larry King he had no comment on a viral video of male Israeli soldiers dancing.
Female Israeli soldiers film their own dance video.
Block your ex to avoid seeing his or her Twitter, Facebook or MySpace accounts.
A drive-thru with KFC and Taco Bell menus excites a hungry man.
A chivalrous Russian driver gets out of his car carries a woman across a flooded street.
Friday, July 9
Excalibur & Vision nightclubs present "The Rat Pack Summit Review" and swing dancing every third Friday of every month starting Friday, July 23rd.
Cavaliers majority owner, Dan Gilbert, calls LeBron James's departure from the team a "cowardly betrayal" in a letter.
South Carolina Democratic senate candidate, Al Greene, suggests making action figures in his image to create jobs.
A man tries to pronounce the names of several American cars.
A dog helps teach a baby how to high five.
YouTube's most popular cheerleader today shows his school spirit.
A guy who sets off a metal detector at an airport climbs into the luggage x-ray machine.
A Florida state representative has a peppy campaign ad.
Sarah Palin calls on mothers to join her crusade.
Taiwanese dentists want fast food chains to stop selling giant hamburgers to combat jaw injuries.