The latest from Jill and Ed's Bogus Journey: Ed's no angel!
Shocking but true!
The lovable schmo' who leaves his socks on the floor (bless his heart!) tells People magazine this month that “I was a bachelor in every sense of the word. I am not an angel, but things were exaggerated.”
Of course they were, Ed.
For her part, Jillian says “it would be more naïve of me to trust [these women] than to trust the person I’m going to bed with every single night and have spoken to every single night,” Harris says.
True. And it's so much more pressing to worry about really important things -- like Pottery Barn pillow patterns! -- instead of wondering whether, like a boozed-up fake Santa Claus, your fiance sits on a throne of lies.
Pick up the Oct. 12th issue of People and judge for yourself. Meanwhile, the most cathartic unmasking in modern cinema history: