Condé Nast Cans “Fashion Rocks”

Condé Nast has decided not to produce Fashion Rocks next year — both the annual supplement to sixteen Condé Nast titles and accompanying variety show at Radio City Music Hall will go "on hiatus for 2009," Condé Nast president Richard Beckman said in a statement. Beckman cited "toughness in the ad market" as the reason for the cutbacks. We're sad to see the show go, because that was one killer red carpet: the most recent Fashion Rocks show (back in the halcyon days of September) included Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, and Mariah Carey. But even though we found the last issue underwhelming and thought it made Justin Timberlake look like a catering waiter, it served an important purpose: Come 2009, how will we remember that fashion and music represent a crossroads in culture from which the great state of "rocking" is born?

The cancellation of Fashion Rocks comes on the heels of major downsizing at Men's Vogue. Editor Jay Fielden and his assistant were reportedly the only staff retained, according to WWD. Vogue will absorb the title, which has been cut down to two issues a year as a supplement to Vogue. So, this could mean that although Vogue subscribers won't get Fashion Rocks, they'll get hottie-filled Mogue in a plastic bag twice a year. Joy!

Anna Wintour's probably not very happy right now that her titles have been slashed. On the bright side, maybe she can turn the vacated office space into her giant personal powder room.

'Fashion Rocks' Rocks No More [Ad Age]
Tough Times Hit Magazine Industry [WWD]
Related: Will ‘Mogue’ Cut Back to Two Issues Per Year? Or Fold Altogether? (UPDATED)

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