That's a Wrap for International Film Festival


This year's festival draws to a close with Wednesday's Best of the Fest screenings. Two movies that we liked immensely, Sparrow and Hunger, get repeat showings, as well as eleven other features and a program of award-winning shorts. The full schedule is here.

Overall we thought this year had a very strong lineup. In fact out of the fourteen movies that we saw only one disappointed us. And there was plenty of variety. Logistically the festival seemed to run more smoothly than last year too: there were very few hastily-rescheduled shows or other technical mishaps, and festival staff seemed a lot more on top of things (although the ticket lines at 600 N. Michigan were a bit confusing). Based on our own observations though we'd have to say that attendance seemed a bit down from last year. The current economy, and ticket prices higher than the usual cineplex admission (though still fairly reasonable for a festival), could have been factors. Nevertheless we happily gorged ourselves and we're already looking forward to next year's 45th anniversary edition.

How about you? What were your favorite flicks, or which ones disappointed you? Were you satisfied with how the festival unspooled this year? What do you think would work better next year?

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