Sliwinski Walks Free Today

Last week, we mentioned ex-model Jeanette Sliwinski, who killed three local musicians in a suicide attempt car crash, was set to be released. Today, her day of freedom has arrived as the Morton Grove woman was released from the Lincoln Correctional Center this morning. While we do have some sympathy for the mental illness that Sliwinski suffers from, to say that the time she served for killing three people is just a slap on the wrist is still a gross understatement. While Sliwinski spent a little over two years in jail awaiting trial, she ultimately served only 10 months of her four year sentence. Michael Mette, the Chicago Police officer who was arrested in Iowa on assault charges and is now free, received a longer sentence for punching a guy in the face. Michael Dahlquest, John Glick, and Douglas Meis are not coming back and someone should have to answer for this. But we guess it won't be the person who killed them.

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