Grab yourself a partner and remind yourself that anything goes when Chicago transforms itself into a giant obstacle course for City Chase.
The August 22nd event takes 1,000 participants on a tour of the city that is part scavenger hunt, part obstacle course and part urban adventure race. You can also throw in a dose of humiliation (think strip bowling -- or live band street karaoke).
Teams will run, walk, crawl and use the CTA to navigate their way throughout the city during the 4-6 hour event, while using whatever means they can for help -- from family, to the internet to the kindness of strangers.
The first team to cross the finish line with the proper requirements wins all the marbles and advances to the North American Championship in Quebec City, Quebec.
The entry fee is $190 per team. Visit for more information.
And remember your mom's advice about always wearing clean underwear -- especially before you go bowling.