In 2005, Azja Pryor testified in the Michael Jackson molestation trial, a trial that ended in acquittal for the pop star.
Pryor, the mother of Chris Tucker's son, said she spent a lot of time with Michael's accuser and his family and in a new interview, she has some harsh words for them.
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"I don't know how they sleep at night… knowing that they accused someone who they called their friend… of the ugliest, most heinous thing you can say about a human being.
"It's time for [the accuser] to finally stand up and do the right thing," she told Access Hollywood. "He is an adult. He knows… he's always known that Michael never touched him, Michael never abused him."Feeling betrayed, Pryor called the accuser's 2003 claim that Michael Jackson molested him "outrageous."
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Last week, Pryor wrote an open letter to the accuser, asking him and his family to step forward and clear Jackson's name.
"They told me that Michael was the one who helped cure this child of cancer," Pryor recounted to Access Hollywood of her conversations with the family.
Pryor only met Jackson once – at his trial – but the pop star hosted her and Chris Tucker's son's birthday at Neverland.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: The Jackson Family
Pryor said she and her son spent a lot of time with the accuser and his family, lending their support during his cancer battle.
When asked why she believes Jackson didn't molest his accuser, Pryor said; "I was present when [the accuser and his sibling] were at Neverland. I spoke to these children several times a day, a day when this was supposedly happening."
One night, when Pryor spent the night at Neverland, she claims the kids were begging to stay in Jackson's room, even though he wasn't there.
"When I thought of what the accuser was saying Michael did, I thought to myself 'What child would want to go into the room where these awful things were happening to them?'" she told Access.
Pryor claims the accuser's allegations of molestation happened after he appeared holding hands with Jackson during Martin Bashir's documentary, "Living with Michael Jackson."
"I think that they felt like Michael should have done more for them," Pryor said. "Financially… Maybe what Michael's camp was willing to do was not enough. I don't know, but somewhere around that period of time something went wrong."
Access Hollywood was not able to reach any member of the accuser's family or a rep for comment today.
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