For your extended attention span at lunch:
•The New Yorker takes on the recent wave of food product recalls in its humor section this week. This being the New Yorker, they really get to the heart of the absurdity. Take cereal recalls, for example, where health officials found that some lining bags might be harmful: "And, sure, some people, like the lobbyists we send to our nation’s capital, say, 'What’s the problem? Nobody eats the bag!' But we’re not taking any chances." [New Yorker]
•What goes through the mind of a world class chocolate genius? The Times Magazine provides a little insight from former elBulli "sweets chef" Oriol Balaguer. Right now, he's obsessed with pop rocks: "I seal it with cocoa butter before mixing it with the chocolate. It’s hazelnut praline, chocolate and the pop rocks. People smile when they eat it. It’s the flavorless carbon dioxide pieces…[f]or 20 minutes, it’s just pop-pop-pop-pop." [T Magazine]