7/30: Rubber Duckies, Comped Cake and a Shedd Soiree

The Rubber Ducky Derby, National Cheesecake Day at Eli's and a Shedd bash

RUBBER DUCKY, YOU'RE THE ONE: Cheer on your favorite yellow contestant during the annual Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby, going down today, or sponsor your own competitor for $5 to benefit the Special Olympics of Illinois. The racers will go from the Columbus Drive Bridge to the Michigan Avenue Bridge while you hope for the best. Pre-race festivities kick off at 10AM, with the race starting at 1PM.

HAVE YOUR CAKE: Yesterday it was the carbs, today it's the sugar. Grab a free slice of cheesecake from 11AM-2PM at Eli's Cheesecake World in honor of National Cheesecake Day. There will be a farmers' market going on at this mecca of cheesecake, along with live music and dance performances, demonstrations and lectures. 7AM-1PM, free.

UNDER THE SEA: Groove with the fishes at the Shedd Aquarium's "Jazzin' at the Shedd" weekly after-hours soiree, tonight featuring the Mike Frost Project and the Tim Fitzgerald Trio. You'll get to explore the underwater displays and hear live music on the north terrace and at the Caribbean Reef exhibit. Food and drinks are available for purchase. 5-10PM, $12-$18.

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