Can You Bring Notes To The Voting Booth in Illinois?

Voter places ballot in ballot box
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

With Election Day next week, many voters want to feel as informed and prepared to vote as possible when they head to the polls next Tuesday.

On a large ballot that includes numerous statewide races, ballot measures and judicial retention votes, the overwhelming amount of information has led some residents to wonder whether they can bring their own notes into the booth.

According to the ACLU of Illinois, voters may bring written or printed notes into the voting booth to help them with their ballots.

However, residents wearing any campaign-related clothing or material may be required to remove or cover them while voting. Campaign signs and pamphlets cannot be displayed.

Additionally, voters who are in line during the time of polls closing are entitled to cast a ballot. Residents can also request up to two hours off of work to vote if their work schedule prevents them from voting.

Early voting throughout the Chicago area continues up until the day before Election Day. More information on how to find your polling place for either early voting or Election Day voting can be found here.

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