“American Idol” Airs Chicago Tryouts

Thirteen contestants are going to Hollywood

It's been a few months since "American Idol" blew through Chicago, and judging by the show that aired Tuesday, they also blew off the vast majority of the contestants.

Around 12,000 people auditioned at the Chicago tryouts in front of guest judge Shania Twain, but among that giant mass of crooners, only 13 punched their tickets to Hollywood.

And apparently the freaks don't just come out at night. Sprinkled amongst the serious singers were several colorful characters including a buxom gal who introduced us to the "boob flex" during her audition, a Tiny Tim impersonator, and a woman who called herself the "crazy accordian lady."

Notable Chicago area singers who advanced included Angela Martin, who also made it to Hollywood in Seasons 7 and 8, and Northbrook college student John Park, who Twain seemed to take a particularly special interest in -- for his voice and his "nice lips."

The episode showcased a lot of Chicago's architecture, but curiously interspersed footage of pissed off reject singers spouting off with palm trees in the background, Chicago Breaking News reported.

"American Idol" will air future audition shows from Orlando, LA and Dallas before hitting Hollywood.


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