Tailgating Chili

Homemade Beef Chili

· Ingredients: One pound ground beef, onions, garlic, celery, canned tomatoes, cannellini beans, and kidney beans. Use salt, pepper and chili powder to taste.

· Preparation: Sauté diced onions, garlic, celery and ground beef in a large pot. Add the tomatoes, cannellini and kidney beans and season with salt, pepper, and chili powder. Let simmer for one hour before serving.

Italian Sausage and Peppers

Ingredients: Italian sausage, white wine, fresh chopped garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, fresh chopped parsley and red, green, and yellow peppers.

· Preparation: Sauté Italian sausage with olive oil, fresh garlic, white wine, parsley, and oregano in a skillet over medium heat. Finish off with a pinch of salt and pepper and serve with red, green, and yellow peppers.

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