Spending more time with your kids outside includes making homemade snacks inside.

Wayne suggests activities for parents and kids to share and a tasty homemade peanut butter cereal bar to take along.

When summer rolls around the kids are out of school and always looking for things to do.  This is the perfect opportunity for parents to not only point them in the right direction activity-wise but also to get involved and spend some extra time with them as well.  Whether it’s hitting the bike trails together, building a lemonade stand or rollerblading along the beach, many kids, especially the young ones, would welcome a little extra fun time with mom and dad.  If you decide on biking or rollerblading, you might want to take a little snack along.  Here’s my recipe for peanut butter cereal bars.  They are easy to make with only a few ingredients, they store well and both kids and adults will enjoy them.

Peanut butter Cereal Bars


2 cu Toasted Oat Cereal (like Cheerios)
1 cu Rolled Oats
1/2 cu Shredded Coconut
1/4 cu Golden Raisins
1/4 cu Dried Cranberries
1/2 cu Granulated Sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 cu Honey
1/2 cu Creamy Peanut Butter


Line the bottom and two sides of an 8” square baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.

In a medium sized bowl, combine cereal, oats, coconut, raisins and cranberries.  Set a side. 

Combine sugar, honey and cinnamon in a large saucepan over medium high heat and bring to a rolling boil.  Continue to boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter until well combined.  Add dry ingredients to the saucepan and mix well.  Transfer mixture to the baking pan.  Spread out ingredients and press into sides and corners with the back of a wooden spoon.  Allow mixture to cool.

Remove hardened mixture from baking pan and slice into 16 bars (or more if you choose).  Bars can be wrapped individually or stored in airtight container. 

If you have kids, I hope you get out there and have a blast with them in any activity that you both enjoy. 

I also wanted to mention that I went to Ravinia last Saturday with a big group of friends.  We put together quite a spread to help remind folks about the Ultimate Picnic Photo Contest that’s ongoing this summer.  You still have plenty of time to attend an event at Ravinia and put together a picnic of your own.  More details are available at raviniawines.com.  Am evemomg at Ravinia is also another great activity to share with your children.  I hope you plan a trip soon. 

If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email at wayne@waynesweekend.com.

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