Woman Charged with Swiping $900 K From Work

Admit it. You’ve swiped a few supplies from the office cabinet in your day.

Post Its. Pens. A notebook. 

Tammy Brown went a step further. The former vice president of accounting for Engineering Systems Inc. allegedly stole $900,000 from her office, according to the Daily Herald.

Brown, 51, will be indicted for the crime later this month.

She is accused of using corporate credit cards to fund a lavish lifestyle and then cooking the books to hide thefts.

Sometime in 2007 an employee spotted a discrepancy and the company bigs called in a forensic accountant (yeah, they have those). 

Brown resigned March 18, 2008.

If convicted she’ll do a boatload of jail time – up to 15 years. But that might not be the worst of it.

Her former company is suing her for $2.4 million.


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