Where Are Wisconsin's Dems?

Wisconsin lawmakers who picked up and left the unrest surrounding Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget bill might not be returning home in the near future.

A group of 14 Senate Democrats continue to hunker down in Illinois and keep track of protests in Madison from undisclosed locations, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

The group says they're more united than ever to block Walker's budget-balancing legislation, which translates to staying out of town as long as necessary to prevent a vote on the proposal protested by Wisconsin unions.

Sen. Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point) told the Journal Times the ball is in Walker's court.

But Walker's not having any of it. His office released a statement publicly telling the senators to end their "vacation" and get back to work.

He said they should return to Madison to debate the bill and cast their vote instead of running away.

"Help get Wisconsin’s economy back on track," Walker said.

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