Replica Viking Ship Moved Into Field Museum

"Vikings" runs Feb. 27-Oct. 4 at Chicago's Field Museum

Crews at Chicago's Field Museum on Thursday took a big step in preparation for an exhibition that will debut later this month and remain through the beginning of October.

A 27-foot-long, 7-foot wide replica Viking ship, based on one found during an archaeological dig, was moved into the building on 1400 South Lake Shore Drive.

The Krampmacken, which has actually sailed, will remain in an isolation chamber for 11 days in advance of the exhibition's planned Feb. 27 opening.

Anthony Ponce
A crane was used to get the replica Viking ship inside Chicago's Field Museum.

"We just need to be cautious. Any time that you have organic materials that are attractive to pests, to critters, we need to be cautious," said Susan Neill, project manager of the Vikings exhibition.

The collection of items, simply named "Vikings," runs through Oct. 4 and aims to provide a better understanding of Scandinavia's seafaring people.

The Krampmacken is not one of the massive ships that would have been out on the open ocean, but is a versatile vessel for practical trading missions, Neill explained.

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