Daley Named in New Burge Lawsuit

Now that former police commander Jon Burge has been convicted of perjuring himself over torture allegations, criminals convicted during his rein are going to start suing in civil court.

These suits have bigger fish in mind than just Burge.

The first such suit takes aim at Mayor Daley.

Ronald Kitchen, who was convicted in 21 years ago for a quintuple murder, filed a federal lawsuit against Burge, Daley and a handful of other police officials who were employed during Burge's time at Area 2.

Richard Daley was the Cook County state's attorney at the time of Kitchen's arrest and conviction. Kitchen was recently exonerated for the 1988 crime and released from jail.

Kitchen alleges that Daley knew about the torture and covered up the evidence in order to get convictions.

The suit includes some graphic details of Kitchen's interrogation, but the larger implication is that Daley could become the target of a number of lawsuits going forward.

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