Do You Really Need a Business Partner?

Being an entrepreneur is tough, and at times it can be lonely.

If you find yourself so crippled with cabin fever you can't even make it out to work from Starbucks for the social interaction, then you might also be thinking of finding a partner or shareholder for the flimsiest of reasons.

Before you go off the deep end or do something you'll come to regret later, like offering your brother 20 percent of your company without thinking it through, it's worth giving Inc.'s checklist of 10 questions to ask yourself before picking a business partner a read.

It has contingencies for just about every circumstance imaginable, from "Are you sober?" and "What kind of watch does your prospective partner wear?" to "Is this person your friend?" and "What happens if you're successful?"

It should help give you pause, if nothing else, which is what you should have before getting into a situation that's messier and can end up costing you money.

Read the full list over at Inc.

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